Meet Kehinde
Solicitor and Director of Neurodiverse Advocacy CIC
Neurodiverse Advocacy CIC was born out of my life's experience as a mum to two children on the autistic spectrum
One of such experiences I recall was a time I was queried and put on the spot by a professional asking why I had made a parental application for an EHCP for my daughter, and I will always remember the look on the same professional’s face when my application succeeded thus ensuring adequate preparation and funding for my daughter as she transitioned to a new school. I stood my ground and it was worth every heartache and stress I went through during that period.
At Neurodiverse Advocacy, I have a desire to assist people like myself assert their rights and ensure their voices are heard on matters that concern themselves and their children or wards.
With a particular focus on education, I believe that every child deserves to be educated in a nurturing environment that supports their innate talent and abilities irrespective of their neuro-developmental status.
My team and I will support you to succeed as you navigate this special journey!